Saturday, January 19, 2008

In violation of SAG rules

Thursday was my acting debut at school. We had our MartinLuther King Day celebration, which included a play perfformed by teachers. If ever the offer comes to perform in such a play, be aware that "White police offer" is not the hero of the play. It is easily the most fun role in the play. I was able to beat teachers with a stick and deprive an old woman of water. Over the top supervillainy is fun. It's like being a wrestling bad guy.

Oddly enough, the next day, someone complained that I used a racial slur. Not true, of course, as anyone who knows me should know. I'm basically incapable of using the N word without an act of will, and don't use other slurs either. It is true I threatened to beat the student severely. I was somewhat annoyed, as he was choking another student while other kids rifled his pockets. I tend not to approve of that. So I'm in trouble, but for the wrong reason. I'm not particularly worried about it.

If you ever feel unappreciated at work, let a rumor circulate that you might be leaving. When I did quit, the response from staff and students was a factor in my mind changing. I have no plans to disappear now, but apparently there was a rumor, so i had staff members and students encouraging me to stay. It's easy to make them happy, since I was staying anyway. Still it's pretty touching when some of the bad ass kids quietly and secretly encourage me to stay. Consider it done.

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