Sunday, July 25, 2010

I'm barely literate

I write like
Stephenie Meyer

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

so filled with rage


I'll be back in America in about 2 weeks, stay for a month, then return to China.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

life lessons

1. A startled look and yelled curses are one response to vehicles almost hitting you when you cross the street. So is looking in the street to see if there are cars. I recommend the latter.

2. when teaching kindergarten, always choose songs with dances. try to choose dances that involve them falling down.

3. If your girlfriend falls down more than 5 times at a party and you don't persuade her to leave, it is a huge mistake to assume I will keep an eye on her. Except to possibly laugh if she continues to fall down.

4. People falling down=always funny

5. apple wine is sweet, delicious, and refreshing, but a poor substititue for water on sunny days in the tropics.

6. kindergarten students hug their teachers more than college students.

7. If you have a cheerful, helpful foreing Enlgihs teacher and are entered into an English speaking contest, it might be wise to practice with that teacher.

8. if you're in n Englihs speaking contests and choose to speak about the environment, learn how to say the word "environment." It will help a lot.