Monday, March 31, 2008


Finally saw a doctor about my nagging pains. The finger that was caught in a door while trying to stop a fight is healing fine. The broken thumb sustained breaking up another fight is healing fine. My elbow has a few small tears in it, giving me tennis elbow. Hopefully, it will heal without surgery. Hopefully I can avoid injuring it further. It's really hard to let students attack each other without getting involved.

One might think it's the job of the ESP to break up fights. Mine was out of sight three days last week, out sick one day, and in the class one day. I haven't seen him in my room yet today. I've voiced my concerns, and made it very clear that I do not plan on stopping any fights until I get a clean bill of health (I have a follow up appointment in late April, but shouldn't expect to be fine until late May, assuming there won't be a need for surgery). Hopefully, no one gets hurt. I'd bet the other way.

Last Friday, the student previously named Grapefruit was antagonizing a girl, who became enraged and wanted to fight him all day. He is as tough as they come, but not a violent guy (in my experience, the really tough ones don't need to prove anything), so he was just ducking her. I found out they take the same bus home, and raised my concerns. Unsuprisingly, I wound up being the one who volunteered to drive him home after school.

Grapefruit: "Is the jaguar yours?"
Me: "You've lost your mind. That one's mine"
G: "Tell me that thing at least has a stereo."
M "Of course. How else would I make you listen to country music ?"
G "Hell no!!!! I'll walk home!"
M "Isn't it 5 miles to your house?"
G "See, there's five miles walking, and five miles of country. Five miles walking is much easier to take."
M "You know, I do listen to hip hop also, right?"
G "Ok, I'll let ou drive me home, but ONLY if you play hip hop. You play country, and I'm jumping out of the car."

He was kind enough to let me drive him

Thursday, March 27, 2008

to follow up

The student who was seriously injured called another teacher last night and left a message. He's not doing that well, but they didn't have to induce a coma, as was feared. No idea when he'll be back or anything, but it sounds like he'll live. That's enough to make me happy for now

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The return

This is shaping up to be a long 3 months before summer comes.

I believe I tore something in my elbow Monday. A student ran into my room and flipped over a table for no real reason. I grabbed him to stop him from running out of the room, using my already injured arm, and dear god did it hurt. Thankfully, another student was there and began berating him for messing up my room and being disrespectful. he ordered him to clean everything up, so I could focus on not injuring myself further.

Yesterday we had a bunch of VIPs visit. Generally a nervewracking experience, since our kids feel they need to clown around more since they have a new audience. My students instead cooperated and did some pretty impressive work. They was actually some of the best classes I've had all year (apart from the one class that never works at all. All my severe cases are bunched together). I'm pretty proud of them, and rather disappointed my room wasn't visited. Hopefully things go as well when the state comes in a few weeks.

I stopped writing just now for a few minutes to talk to another teacher. The student who I mentioned chasising the guy who flipped over the table is apparently in the hospital. He was in a fight away from the school, and it sounds like he's not expected to live. He's had a tough year, but has really pulled his act together lately, which has made a lot of us feel really proud of him. I hope he proves his doctor's wrongs

Sunday, March 23, 2008

almost back

Back from the West Coast. Somewhat ready for class. Almost.

Spring Break was way too short.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Spring break

Finally, Spring Break i ere. my keyboard ain' working well. Very annoying.

maybe la er

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Field Trip Eve

Not much going on the last week or so. Was attacked by a student, but that's fairly uneventful here, and I don't have much else to say. The students have been acting out more over the last week I think. Maybe it's because Spring Break is almost here, or maybe because my aide is generally elsewhere. There are reasons this is a two person job.

Tomorrow, I'm running my first field trip, which is kind of weird. I've been teaching for years, but never had to take minors anywhere. My adult classes had outings, but there weren't permission slips or anything to worry about. So far, about 6 have turned in their forms, which is somewhat worrisome, as we are living at 8:30 tomorrow and I ahve 18 tickets. Making things more interesting was the announcement Friday afternoon of a mandatory meeting for seniors planning to graduate this year on Monday. I teach freshmen English, but a few seniors are in the class for various reasons, and several others had been asked to go if not enough freshmen were going (suspensions, attendance, whatever). So I may wind up with a small crowd.

On the plus side, saw the play yesterday, and it's pretty cool. Romeo & Juliet done at high speed, with a lot of the humor and action coming across real well. There were a couple of high schools there on a Saturday, and they seemed to get it and really like it, so I'm optimistic. I'd actually prefer my class not be an ordeal