Wednesday, June 16, 2010


little new going on.

got the physial for a new visa. I lost about 50 lbs sine i first moved here. Sadly, still a ways to go.

Bought a new electri bike. This one is a bit faster than the last one, and is new, making it even faster. Apparently, crashing a bike sometimes slows it down, so I'll attempt to not hit things with this one.

trying to find part time work for the summer. since i already work here part time, i'm focusing on looking for something here, which narrows the field considerably.

Apparently, the number of vegetarians here is rising. I was interviewed by someone regarding why foreigners are veg and the challenges it presents. Of the four vegetarians I've known here, we ha 4 different reasons for not eating meat, which makes for long answers. I suspect I will be quoted regarding vegetarianism and weight loss. My normal response when people ask how I can be a fat vegetarian is to poin out that tigers are thin and elephants are fat. I hope they include my statement that my weight dropped noticeably 2 months ago, when i attempted to eliminate cola (and all other forms of high fructose corn syrup) from my diet.

I suggested a cooking show called "Knives and Fire" where a gwailo wanders China and people attempt to teach him how to cook. Keep checking your fall schedule to see if I'm there.

Woke up at 8:00 for the Dragon Boat Festival. Saw it was raining and deided the beach was not the place to go. My travel ompanions went back to sleep. I cooked. We ate. Then everyone in the apartment went back to sleep. Woke up around 1:00. Went shopping for jeans and came home. Cooked another dinner of fresh veggies, watched some Battle Star Galactica, then went to sleep early. So after d ay of eating right, sleeping, and staying away from alcohol and second hand smoke, I woke up with a sore throat and slight cold. I'll try treating it with sleep deprivation, bourbon, and fast food.

Up for the weekend: Club 8's one year anniversary and Tom's birthday. lub 8 is a fairly standard disco near my favorite bar, and hey are giving free beer to ertain people, such as me. Tom is an Aussie, who is not giving free beer, but is arranging and evening of enchantment and whimsy (ok, beer and vodka). I suspect this will be a rough weekend

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