Saturday, April 26, 2008


We spent the week testing for the most part. So it was somewhat quiet. I'll probably be pulled froM the clasepom for a few weeks to help get records in order. So I may post less.
Oh, I did wind up eatting out my side for his nonattendance. I had to throw a student out of the room when he attacked another student with a chair. There was blood and I decided to risk grabbing him, so my injured elbow is killing me again. A month of wearing the brace and not using the arm was wasted. plus I had a bloody student. Considreing my injury, the nature of the school and the erviering problems with students lying about things they do and how I respond leading to discipline hearings for me, I'm an idiot for continuing to work here. I just assume a student will get hurt and air, or I'll be hurt, or they'll tell more lies, getting me in more trouble. I like most of my students, and they like me, but it might be time to go. It seems there will be no consequences for the side, and I highly doubt he will do his job.
Sadly, I probably won't leave until I'm hurt too bad to continue or forced out due to an incident that didn't happen. And that asshole will continue to get a check while neglecting the needy kids long after I'm gone.
I left out the big story, because it hurts to think about it

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