Sunday, March 7, 2010


Seems this thing is acting funny again...

Most gaming groupd struggle with scheduling conflicts and a lack of players. Meanwhile, I've had to start a second game in order to satisfy player demand. I'll probably be coaching a new DM soon, as ours is getting too big and we might split in two. Which means i might be a player.

4th edition is growing on me. Netw players seem to like it. Every round people seem to have something cool to do,which was generally not the case with low level spellcasters in older editions. I still prefer 3rd (or pathfinder) but 4th is definitely better than I first thought.

I'm running Keep on the Shadowfell and just beginning Age of Worms, which is being adapted from 3rd edition. The group is happy they have stuff to kill. They were hired to map old ruins as part of a project by a young king. They promptly began making plans to ambush other surveyors to steal their maps and sell them. Then one seduced a surly elf (that's when the guy rolls a natural 20?) who has since turned againsthem, and they wish to kill all the kobolds. Apparently they see the kobold ability to shift a square as a personal affront.

If using the D&D character making program, make sure to equip items before printing. Characters do better with weapons and armor.

Choice quotes

R: Shift back here and let me stab you!

C: I'm happy to work for the king
S; Or kill him
C; Both are ok

R; I can't believe I got that elf chick.
S; Now we should kill her.
stunned silence
R: Is that your policy at the clubs here?
B; Would explain the screams at night
C: and the smell here

M; Being the Dm seems like a lot of work. Why does anyone want to do it?
S; For the ladies

M&K: We want to join
R: I think there's a rule against women gaming
S; They don't have the hand eye coordination to roll dice
K: I'm gonna stab you in the neck!

H: Kobold? like bald? like where you're losing hair?
R" dude, you are losing hair!
5 minutes later
S: Why are the kobolds attacking me? Those two called you bald

B; so because they can shift around easily, you feel the need for genocide?
all: YES!!

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