Sunday, May 30, 2010

exam week

Friday, a student in my business English class asked if they had an exam. I said yes, but didn't know when. They then told me that it was our final class. My boss confirmed this 20 minutes later, and suggested i give an exam then. When offered a choice between a surprise final and an additional week of class, they voted to have exams this week. Good choice, as several weren't there.

So today we had an exam. It's my first time talking to a few of them, and it's sometimes nice finding out that they ave learned something. For a few, it may have been there first time attempting to speak English. Each exam is 2-3 minutes of speaking to me, and for some it was an eternity.

As it's entirely oral, I didn't want everyone listening, so I had music playing with pictures of me and my friends as a slideshow. The music and pictures were randomly chosen by a socail network site (similar to myspace or facebook).

They liked this and this

and really liked this

This they didn't like

and one ran up and skipped to the next track rather than hear this

foreigners+wigs=comedy gold

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